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Eva- Happy in Our Home

Updated: Dec 9, 2024


Eva's story began with a tumultuouos start. After her owner's passing, she was left outside with scant provisions until a compassionate realtor stepped in. Worried that she was injured, we looked her over and then got her vetted. We knew another rescue that had a foster that would be perfect for her! But six months later, she faced recurring eating difficulties, necessitating a feeding tube. Although initially resistant and displaying a feisty demeanor upon her return to the shelter, Eva has since blossomed into a cherished member of our community. She now freely roams the shelter, relishing high vantage points to observe and delighting the staff with her endearing personality. With change proving challenging for her, we've decided that her permanent home will be with us, where she can thrive in a stable environment that supports her unique needs.

Now being a permanent resident, Eva is seeking a sponsor to become her virtual guardian, her sponsor mom or dad. By sponsoring Eva, you'll receive monthly updates on her well-being and activities, and you're welcome to visit her in the shelter.

Visit our sponsor page to find all about sponsoring, or Email us to sponsor Eva.

Eva Sponsor

Patricia Twa


© 2020 Freeman-Fritts Vet Clinic & Shelter | We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit owned by the Animal Welfare Society of Kerr County, Texas

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